About Me

My photo
I am a very enthusiastic Airedale Terrier, born in Ohio, and living with the two coolest people, my Mom and Dad. They adopted me in December last year, and I really like living with them. I have a feline brother named Winston, and a new K9 brother - a Lakeland Terrier. Yippee!!

My guestbook

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hiegh avahbuddy, tism Linus....whaT, Pznopoly? I kinn two tipe....oh okayt!
Hey! Dad! Comunhelp me....Pznopoly - leve me loine - hes comun!
OK, little buddy, what do you want me to say for you?

Linus, the Lion-Hearted Lakey says a Great Big OOWWWHHHHHHEEELLLOOO!!! to all the Terriers, pooches, pups, kittens, hamsters and ferrets that read Penelope's blog.

He says, he is very happy to be a part of this kind-a-nutsie family with the two human people he calls Mum and Dad, his new biggie-sister Penelope and Winston, the funny smelling dog upstairs (Dad here: we have tried and tried to tell Linus that Winston is a cat, but he has not met any cats before and just thinks Winston is a really stuck up dog, that smells funny, is allowed to poo in the house, and has a bad-temper - oh well).

This is me, playing with Penelope's new toy!
I got it, and she don't!!

Oh Poo!! Now she knows I have it...I know what this means...

A Life or Death struggle for Control of the Pink Thing!!

Oh yeah? Well, you ain't so big and tuff that I can't say...
Smell THIS!!


  1. ooooooooooooooo, a pink loofa doggie! We love playing tug too! We're thinking that Penelope is going to win this round! It won't be long before you'll be a real challenge to her, Linus!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. Penelope Penelope Penelope We told ya...Lock up your toys..Today the pink loofa tomoorow EVERY TOY YOU OWN...love A+A

  3. Fun times ahead for you two. Glad you like your new home Linus. Penelope is a great big sissy.


  4. Hey, La La La LINUS!!!

    You don't know me yet, but we're gonna be frens! I'm not 'llowed on the puter by myself either, but I have a big stinky & hairy Airedale brother, not a sweet sissy like your Pen Pen!

    You look like you're off to a great start. I love Pen Pen, but you need to keep her on her toes, and she looks a little bewildered, so you're doing your job, man. That parting booty shot is a nice touch too. (Ohhhh, yeah. You're working it!)

    By the way, remember not to let Pen Pen ever know that YOU'RE the one in charge. Let her think you're just challenging HER authority. If you've got her thinking *she's* still in charge when you actually are, that's when you know your first assignment is accomplished.

    Keep me posted on your progress, and I'll offer any assistance I can.

    Goobery love & Lakie kissies,
    Stella Bean Latifah

  5. Yes, Linus...listen to that Stella Beanie above...we Lakies gotta stickie together!! I'm Lacie...we haven't been formally introduced...(Lacie gracefully extends a paw...) Yes, dear...I'm a Lakie just like you...no, I don't dye my hair...only blond highlights occasionally...I'm a grizzle Lakeland...rather petite...(right now very petite cuz I was sick for a week and in the doggie ICU)..but I'm all better now and should be reapproachin' my hefty body weight of 12 lbs...

    No Sweetheart...I can't date you...YET...you're just still a little pip of a thing...how old are ya anyway??? Maybe next month!!!

    Come by and visit us sweet doggies.. and bring Pen Pen too...

    Love ya lot with the mostest Lakie kisses cept for Stella...


  6. Haha, you're doing great Linus! Keepp her on her toes - she loves it really! We play 'I want your toy/chewie/dinner all the time. Nice pink toy!
    Finni & Nelly

  7. Oh, the fun of siblings - woo are going to have a wild time, Linus. Welcome to your new furfamily. we look forward to hearing about all the goings- on.

    Tail wags, the OP pack

  8. Welcome Linus to life with an Airehead..er I mean Airedale! My big sister shares her toys with me, but only after she pulls the squeekers out of them. They call it the pecking order. What chickens have to do with it I'll never know. Welshiehugs, Hootie

  9. Good to hear from you Linus. Don't worry, my little brother is 4 years old and he still cant type or talk right. You will improve in short time I am sure!! You are adorable.

  10. Linus, there have been many words of wisdom posted by my friends here. I cannot think of many more really. Just remember you need ATTITUDE! It will keep everybody in your house on their toes and paws.

    Yours truly

