Hello to all my airedale friends, and all you other cool doggies too, and ok, the the human friends out there. We have a new friend who also is a Dog/w/Blog person, SaintLover (http://www.itsthedogslife.com) and she has sent us some really great pictures of Penelope, Linus, and her BFFs too - I will post them later in this post.
Sorry it's been so long since I posted last, and I do apologize, but there have been some personal issues in my human parents household. My human grandfather - that's him in the picture below, had a stroke in March of this year and spent nearly two months in hospital and rehab. He still can't drive and my human parents have spent a lot of time helping Pops and his girlfriend (that's her, Faye, next to Pops in the picture - she is sick too) with errands and things.

Linus still has tummy issues - the Doctor says he has "soft-serve" problems. Nobody seems to be able to figure it out. This pix is Linus about a month ago. Ain't he growing up?? We love to play together, take walks together, and FINALLY, my human dad took us to the Doggie Park - Oh MAN! what fun!!!

At the Doggie Park, up on Hoover Reservoir, we can run for all we are worth, meet and play with other dogs - haven't met any other airedales, wonder where they are all at? - and swim. Here are some pictures, taken by our new friend, SaintLover of us at the doggie park. Today, if we go, dad says he will take his camera, and maybe get some more pictures of us. I hope so, cause I think I am SOOOOOO photogenic!! Oh, and Linus is cute too.
Linus and Penelope at the Dog Park - playing in the doggie swimming area!
That's me and Linus - what's he up to?

Running in the water - wonder why I waited so long to find out about THIS?!?!

Running FREE! No lead, no walker, no tugging to keep me in check - AHHHH!! THIS IS WHAT I WAS MEANT TO DO!!! JUST RUN!!!!!!

Linus - being Linus - nuff said!

Hey look! I can SWIM!! I think I will try out for the doggie olympics as a dog-paddler - free-style!
Well, enough for today - I will be back this week with more pictures! And more new friends.